Dennis L. Peterson | TouchPoint Press

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Dennis L. Peterson

Dennis L. Peterson, is an independent author and historian. He is a member of several historical organizations, including the Society of Independent Southern Historians, the East Tennessee Historical Society, and the Travelers Rest (SC) Historical Society, on the board of which he also serves as 2nd vice president. He is also a docent for the History Museum of Travelers Rest.

Peterson is the author of several books, including Combat! Spiritual Lessons from Military
History, Confederate Cabinet Departments and Secretaries, Teacher: Teaching and Being
Taught, and Look Unto the Hills: Stories of Growing Up in Rural East Tennessee. He has two other books forthcoming from TouchPoint Press, Christ in Camp and Combat: Religious Work in the Confederate Armies and Evangelism and Expulsion: Missionary Work Among the Cherokees Until Removal.

Having been writing for publication since 1981, he also has published credits in a wide variety of publications, including True West, World at War, Blue Ridge Country, Smoky Mountain Living, Leben, The Freeman, The Writer, Scouting, The Elks Magazine, and numerous educational journals and magazines. His articles have been reprinted in several textbooks and anthologies, including The Writer’s Handbook (The Writer, Inc.), The Shape of Ideas (Harcourt Brace), Christians in the Political Arena (Associates Press), and The Spirit of Freedom: Essays in American History (Foundation for Economic Education).

Holding B.S. and M.S. degrees in education, Peterson is a former junior high/high school history and writing teacher. He was lead author of American history textbooks and curricula for a major Christian textbook publisher and a senior technical editor for Lockheed Martin Energy Systems, Inc., at the historic Oak Ridge, Tennessee, nuclear facilities. His areas of special interest include Southern history, the War Between the States, the Great Depression, and World War II as well as biblical studies.

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Peterson is a native of Tennessee. He and his wife Connie, an elementary school teacher and a Pennsylvania native, live in Taylors, South Carolina. They have four daughters and seven grandchildren.

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