Gary Ilminen | TouchPoint Press

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Gary Ilminen

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Gary Ilminen has been a motorcyclist since 1974 and started his freelance writing and photography career in 1976 as a part-time government reporter for local newspapers. He has been published in a number of motorcycle magazines, general interest and healthcare related magazines and is the Associate Online Editor for Ultimate Motorcycling magazine and a contributor to as well as other web-based motorcycle publications.

He is a Registered Nurse with degrees in nursing and mechanical design from Gogebic Community College in Ironwood, MI. He also is a proud graduate (Class of 1973) of the Hurley Joint School District in Hurley, WI.

He has become something of a student of motorcycle design over the years and has owned 26 motorcycles since 1974 and currently owns eleven bikes, including both of the bikes ridden in competition at Bonneville. He lives in Lone Rock, WI.

He has written one book previously, the Consumer Guide to Long-term Care, published by the University of Wisconsin Press. For more information on the book, go to:

Books by Gary Ilminen

The Unlikely 1_8x10_Color_paperback_Front

Reviews and Praise for THE UNLIKELY 1

Associated Press:

US News and World Report:

Ultimate Motorcycling:

Motorcycle Classics:

Motorcycle Classics book list:

Wisconsin State Journal:

The Chippewa Herald:

Mississippi Motorcycles:

Minneapolis Star Tribune:

Honda Motor Co. Ltd. 4 Traders:

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