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TouchPoint announces new releases for July 2014


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TouchPoint Press released JB Millhollin’s (author of Brakus, book 1 in the Brakus series) An Absence of Ethics July 7 and is excited to announce an eclectic mix releasing the end of July beginning with the July 26 paperback release … Continue reading

C.C. Troy’s characters warm hearts, inspire readers


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C.C. Troy warmed readers’ hearts with her debut Beulah the Bull (Astraea Press 2013). As an up-and-coming author, C.C.’s goal is to bring stories to her readers that not only entertain but inspire. In her second novel, Junie’s Red Carpet, … Continue reading

New trailer for Shyla Lukens’ Just Paying the Rent


We are excited to share the new trailer for Shyla Lukens’ Just Paying the Rent, book one in the Jessie Billows mystery series. And many thanks to Opal Campbell for an awesome job! No wonder USA Today has listed several of Opal’s … Continue reading

See also  Dennis L. Peterson | TouchPoint Press

Author Event: Chris DeFazio at B&N May 8

Chris DeFazio B&N Event May 8, 2014Chris DeFazio will be at Barnes & Noble in Framingham, MA, Thursday, May 8 from 7-9pm signing copies of A History in Blood (Blood Trilogy Book 1).

A History in Blood depicts a world where vampire culture and politics reside peacefully beside the world above ground, a world where vampires don’t adhere to the erroneous traditional lore. Stakes to the heart cannot kill them—only fire or decapitation. Although popular opinion suggests that garlic and sunlight are fatal to them, in truth, these are more like allergies that affect them to varying degrees. Against this backdrop, and with a healthy dose of humor, the story follows Titus Acilius (aka Julian Brownell, aka Christian Beauparlant, aka Texas Jack, aka any number of alternate identities) on his journey to protect the people he loves from harm even as he searches for the answers to his ancient-life crisis.


Think paranormal literature and excellent storytelling doesn’t exist? Well, it does now! –Natasza Waters, InD’tale magazine

“…one hell of a vampire novel!” –Word Edge

“spot-on historical elements and includes aspects of life to which any reader can relate.” –Colbie Myles, freelancer and author

“…kept the story moving at a good pace…great example of how to avoid clogging up your story with unnecessary details.” –Greenleaf Literary

“From Roman times to resent history- we follow the main character from depression to acceptance. A off beat vampire self help book that solves so many mysteries through time in such a way that I laughed out loud. Wonderfully creative.” –Amazon reader review

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2 @Goodreads giveaways ending April 30.

2 @Goodreads giveaways ending April 30. Enter now
#Brakus #ForNoApparentReason

See also  About | TouchPoint Press

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Primer to the deadly highwaymen depicted in The Willmakers


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It won’t be long now. Kent Breazeale’s second novel, The Willmakers, will be out Monday, April 14. “There are those among us who are not preachers or evangelists or teachers or even missionaries. They don’t work in the church in … Continue reading

Book Review: A History in Blood, a 2014 RONE award nominee

Originally posted on colbie myles:

My fellow TouchPoint Press author, Chris DeFazio’s A History in Blood was recently nominated for the 2014 RONE Award by InD’tale magazine.

The voting period is at week five. What does that mean? This week (April 7-12) is the voting period for Chris’s novel. Why don’t you hop over and vote for A History in Blood under the  Suspense/Thriller category? Chris would appreciate it and so would his fans!

Not registered at InD’tale? That’s okay. It only as a second and it’s free!

For those who’ve not yet read the novel, InD’tale reviewer Natasza Waters describes it as “…an absolutely outstanding read!”  InD’tale awarded Chris’s novel with  5 stars and the Crowned Heart for Excellence. You can read Natasza’s review here.

Of course I love the book or I wouldn’t be writing this post. I don’t simply love the book because it’s written by a fellow TouchPoint author–the book…

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In case you missed ‘em -TouchPoint Fun Facts


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SK Derban’s inspirational romantic mystery For No Apparent Reason, now in paperback, has been called “captivating”.  An Amazon reader praised the content and quality as being proof that “adventure, romance, and mystery can captivate our attention without compromising a wholesome … Continue reading

See also  Karen Neary Smithson | TouchPoint Press

Accolades for Substitute Angel


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Tim Best’s Substitute Angel received a 5 star review and a Crowned Heart for excellent from InD’tale magazine in its April 2014 issue. Reviewer Sofia St. Angeles described Substitute Angel as “a touching tale, evoking belly laughs and sobby tears of joy … Continue reading

Highlights from Book Signing: Sister authors, Shyla Lukens and KJ Welborn


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March 14, 2014: Authors (and sisters), Shyla Lukens (Just Paying the Rent) and KJ Welborn (Christian Taylor’s Bloodline) had a blast at the River Lights Bookstore in Dubuque, IA. The Telegraph Herald announced the event on March 9. (KJ, left; … Continue reading

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